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D'LIRIUM Download Compressed File


Updated: Mar 27, 2020

About This Game "To find yourself in a new, unknown world - it's like standing face-to-face with a monster. And so many forget: to that world, they are just as much of a monster." - the Curator.During the New Year's Eve, the curator of a mansion built on the outskirts of a town invites his protege and her friends to celebrate the New Year together. He gives her an unusual gift. The gift that is never meant to be opened. And only a powerful mage such as her can keep it shut. It and what it holds within. At least, that's what the Curator thought...D'LIRIUM is an experimental 2D-shooter with the elements of a horror game. The game brings together some mechanics back from 90s classics, such as a search for the keys, non-linear levels and a lot of other things. Moreover, the game contains a lot of experimental tricks, such as random events, non-traditional controls for a shooter game, etc. 1075eedd30 Title: D'LIRIUMGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Early AccessDeveloper:B52 Development TeamPublisher:B52 Development TeamRelease Date: 25 Aug, 2017 D'LIRIUM Download Compressed File delirium free audiobook. delirium full book pdf. delirium pdf download lauren oliver. delirium online free pdf. delirium full movie online. delirium key issues. dlirium motel. delirium font download. free delirium images. delirium tremens beer. delirium pack. delirium torrent vf. delirium pc. delirium ebook download. delirium 2018 full movie download in hindi. delirium in arabic. delirium download ellie goulding. delirium tremens treatment. download delirium lauren oliver pdf. delirium torrent yify. delirium book. delirium in full. delirium 2018 eng sub. delirium free music visualizer. d'lirium wiki. delirium 2018 full movie download. delirium movie. pack delirium tremens. delirium 2014 torrent. delirium cafe english. delirium free read online. d'lirium motel barra funda. delirium theme apk. d'lirium mlp. d'lirium motel sp. delirium series. delirium 2018 free download. delirium full movie 2018. d'lirium motel barra funda. delirium free download pdf. delirium 1080p torrent. delirium 320kbps zip. delirium movie torrent download. delirium deluxe zip. delirium variety pack. delirium full movie free. delirium tremens patch. delirium movie download in tamil. delirium là gì. delirium christmas pack. delirium qsp english. delirium 1987 free download. delirium game. delirium in hindi words. delirium treatment. delirium discography download. delirium torrent fr. delirium jesahel torrent Great game,loved the ending. Simply awesome. A well crafted game I'd say... while a bit too short (I passed it in roughly 2 hours on my first run, trying to discover all bits of maps), I came back again and again trying to get different endings and secrets, hence why I have accumulated 19 hours in total thus far, I was also pleasently surprised by the recent update after which I gave it a few more runs, so really, I hope this gets expanded further- oh and explained... lore is very scarce(in-game wise)... I know almost nothing besides names of characters and "occupations" of two side-characters (which get as much screen-time as an intro and outro section)... it is kinda weird that I know more about characters I see 5% of the game than about the whole lore of the game. Oh and the in-game logic is broken sometimes (in terms of writing)....however the game seems to focus mainly on ACTION part which suggests that it was purely intended as an ACTION game, so that may be the reason for its lack of story, and if so, I'll let it pass.overall a nice experience for the price tag.. Pretty good and spooky for an mlp fan game and can be confusing at times but never the less do give this one a shot.. Well, I've only played an hour so far, and so far, I'd call this game 'okay'. The art is pretty good for 8-bit, the sound effects don't grate, and though the music got boring after an hour, it never got annoying. I played with shooter controls, based on the other reviews, and they were fine, no complaints.One gameplay mechanic that I particularly liked is the teleport spell; the controls there are far pickier, but they make every teleport a risk, which prevents it from being an easy fix to every situation. The possibility of dying if it's done incorrectly does make me feel like a novice unicorn who just learned to do a potentially dangerous spell and is taking the chance of using it out of necessity. That is a good marriage of story and gameplay.But on to what I didn't like. What is it that happens when those spitting enemies hit the character in the face with black goop and you go to another plane? I wander around, without a HUD or any apparent goal, picking up blue crystals labelled 'personality' that may or may not be changing anything, and when I find the heart, I return where I left off. What purpose does that serve? There was no instruction during gameplay and I couldnt' find anything about it in the Help. I don't know whether the lack of instruction is part of the creator's intention, but it's annoying. There are a few serious grammar errors in the game text that read like a bad translation job (as well as general dialogue awkwardness; no one, faced with a dead friend, says to themselves 'How come?'). The music, as I previously mentioned, gets boring quickly. It plods along with a few low notes every now and then, accompanied by a scrap of violin. This makes it especially weird that the soundtrack is available on its own when it's so minimal and dull.Finally, on the secret level that triggers the Lanterns achievment, that I have been unable to luck into again, there's no indication beforehand that walking into the figure with the glowing eyes results in death. That's cheap.If it looks cool to you, you'll like it fine, but it's unpolished still.. Too much pony, became a brony DX Also dead cheap. Go buy it!. Good job on the game, it plays well and has an interesting original story + multiple endings and i assume you will be adding to it hopefully (like some sort of mapping system for finding your way back to the specific color door you just found the key for). I also like the dark and gory theme behind it, not exactly scary but definitely dark and disturbing. Early Beat-1 and many other interesting things!: Finally, I’ve got myself an absolutely new and really powerful PC. And that means I can resume the work on D’LIRIUM! And guess who’s to thank for that! It’s all of you, because it’s you who bought this game, stuffing my purse with money! Thank you so much for that! The new PC is a true miracle! If you’re curious, I’ll write down the configuration of my old and new PCs in the comment section, because it means little here. What means a lot is the fact that we finally have finished porting the game to the new engine! So, let’s talk about that…What is the Early Beta-1? That’s porting the game to the new engine with some improvements. Remembering all that has been changed will require more than an entire hour, so, let’s mention the most important changes in comparison to alpha-12, and all that we can remember: New engine, unlike the old one, is written in C++, not in Delphi. It affects the process and result of building the code and compiling it into exe. Moreover, despite still being a bit unstable, it’s way more optimized. D’LIRIUM’s performance has grown multiple times. The game is able to work even on the old Pentiums (but that’s not verified)! And the most important thing is being able to support cross-platform! Steam overlay and screenshots have been fixed. No more black frames or cut-out menu. Volume settings. No more mixers! New sprites for the spells. Now you can easily tell what spells they represent.Walkthrough timer no longer counts the time of cutscenes.Chinese language! Both traditional and simplified.Waypoints. Now, the character is quite good at choosing the way to the destination.A complete rework of the save-and-load system. Save files will no longer break after another update!New design of the main character. For those who like old Ada more – don’t worry, she’ll appear too, but later.The background of the main menu and game over screens have been reworked. Not completely, but mostly.Achievements! Finally, we have linked the game to Steam. There’s only one achievement for now, for the test, but there’ll be more by the time of Early Beta-1 release.Activating panic mode has become much easier.Many of you complained about the game being too dark. With the new videocard I was able to notice that too. The game has become two times brighter.The levels have been optimized.And that’s far from being the full list, only a few things that we were able to remember while writing this article.A lot of the things we’ve described earlier are yet to be done, but some of them will appear in the future builds of the game. We’re still discussing what’s worth adding and what’s not.Expect the Early Beta in two days, but the pre-release build is able for playing already, if you chose it in the game’s properties. If there are bugs and glitches (excluding the doors and the character that is visible through them) – create a discussion and describe the bug, we’ll be fixing the problem.And one more thing. A request to all of the letsplayers and reviewers. Please, edit your video, put an exact version of the game in it. The final game will be quite different from what’s been in alpha. In the future, perhaps, it’ll get it’s own extra title, because the sequel’s name will be D’LIRIUM as well. The viewers might get lost in the versions, observing the different things with the same name. Oh, and do more videos! Thank you.. The Golden Rogue debut gameplay trailer.: Finally, here's time to show you all our new game. Here's a first gameplay trailer of The Golden Rogue - a prequel of D'LIRIUM. Actually, this trailer was made hastily, but it's enough to show you, how things are working here. We're withheld some features in this trailer, and you will get a lot of new experience by playing. But anyway, the game’s design is more than clear. The Golden Rogue page will appear soon in the Steam store and every interested player can add this game to the wishlist. Thanks to everyone who supports us! So, here's the trailer: can support the development of D'LIRIUM and The Golden Rogue on our Patreon page: []. What's new in Beta-1 (Cut version)?: A few days ago we updated D'LIRIUM to Beta-1 (Cut version). There's a lot of new stuff and we want to tell you about some new features. New weapon: wrench; Reworked spell selection; Reworked panic; New level: "Crystal cave"; Added interactions on the levels; Added 13 new achievements; Fixed bugs with AI, errors and crashes; Reworked "Lanterns" AI; Reworked some levels; Reworked graphics on "Mansion" level; New "dynamic" camera; Reworked Shaft spell; New secret level called "Steam Machine"; Monsters called "Lost" and "Phantom" now appeared on the levels; Reworked movement animations; More blood and gore; New logo; New visuals on physical death; New sounds and visuals when player gets damage; Telefragging the monsters is easier to do now; Extended credits and total game stats; Reworked teleportation; "Ice impendent" monster now calls "Wraith"; "Ice howling" was reworked and calls "Flying wraith"; Monsters can see you from far distance when flashlight is enabled; Map; Rave.That's not a full change list. There's a much more new stuff that we are forgot to tell you about. Hope you love it as we love!Our Discord server: can support the development of D'LIRIUM and The Golden Rogue on our Patreon page:[]. HAPPY NEW YEAR!: The mashed potatoes has cooled down, the meat has been eaten, the glasses are empty, that man on the TV has already finished his speech, and the people are once again measuring whose firework is louder in the night sky. That means the year 2019 is on the streets! Congratulations!We have good news and bad news for you guys.. Alpha-12 will be [already] out soon!: !!!WARNING!!! After the update, your save files from alpha-11 will not work! If you're not ready to start the game anew - turn off the auto-update now!What is waiting for us in alpha-12? Here are the most key changes: The game controls are highly improved. New system of character path finder A*. The inventory no longer contains just the keys, but also the spells. Language choice in menu, wihtout the need to enter options. New font and the option of changing it. An improved interaction with interface.The rework, as you might guess, has been highly influenced by the letsplays of the players. We've watched everything we've managed to find. And we want to thank you for them, they were a great pleasure to watch!Besides, many players couldn't figure out what to do in this game. Every though the "help" window is available at any moment, almost noone had been using it. We dare to guess, noone had even noticed it. Therefore, there will be a intrusive tip about it before the beginning of the game now.Some were complaining about the fonts that came out hard to read. That's why we have discussed it and drew a new font. And, for the most fastidious of our players, we have added the standard Arial font (however, we don't like it).A lot of players mistaken this game for a horror game. That's not right. The game is, first of all, the action game, it's scares are just a bonus. That concerns us, because the players end up expecting a horror from it.The most important thing, we suppose, is the players' complaints about the game having no tutorial. Let's put it like this: we like it when the game doesn't hold our hand. We have made a "help" window, but we take a great pleasure in observing a player figuring the game's functions out on their own. As we can see in the letsplays, the people play our game in absolutely different ways. Some just overclick the enemies with magic, some use teleport, some prefer to avoid contact, and some look for secrets. That's awesome!Also, the music in the game deserves mentioning. You did hear what sound quality the game uses. Quite a bad one, is it not? We have improved that. And so, we are going to release [already released] the soundrack as a DLC for sale. It'll only cost a little, and will contain every soundtrack the game uses, but in the HQ. If the DLC is downloaded, the game will replace the standard soundtrack with the HQ one. The simple and pleasant bonus for those, who love HQ soundtrack in the game. Why do we need to sell it? Well... I REALLY want a new synthesizer.That's just the little part of the changes made. It's hard to remember everything that's been changed.We truly wish to thank all of the bloggers that were recording the letsplays and streaming our game!First of all, we want to thank Zulin. It's a pity that he didn't want to explore the game deeper. But his stream with all of those cucumbers, cakes, Hebrew in the chat and awesome comments has left us rolling on the floor, lauging to tears.Also, we wish to thank Ultra Mag64 for figuring out the entire game by the method of "scientific poke"! Observing and analyzing that was a great pleasure!Thank Green Bean for not giving up and passing the entire game during his stream! His frustrations during the last level has brought us a lot of pleasure and laugh!And thank TheRPGMinx for showing this game to a lot of people, we always wanted to have our own community to share and discuss the updates with!Regarding the collectable cards, icons, backgrounds, etc. - they will come. Don't worry. It just takes time. They are already drawn, uploaded, but are not ready to be published yet.Regarding the new endings, levels, monsters and other things - there will be more. As soon as we're done with the technical part of the game, we'll rework the scenario. There'll be more of a plot, more of the logic. Unlikely, but possible, there'll be cutscenes.And last, but not least: thank Humanarian for translating everything to English. Where's we be without you?. HORRIFYING news: Halloween surely isn't the kind of holiday that the characters from D'LIRIUM would care to celebrate. But who cares? The game of this visual design is perfect for Halloween. Moreover, the story was originally planned around that theme, but it came out differently. Be it as it may, but in the honour of such a holiday, why not make a generous discount? We won't be holding it back, neither trick nor a treat!In order not to make this piece of news only about the discount, we'll now tell you a bit about what's been going on. We've actually written a new system of saves and loads. It was needed in order to keep them stable and working after the game update. That's really important. Moreover, due to the layer-by-layer system of level construction in GMS2, loading of the save file could have mixed the textures located on the same layer of the level. The new system will prevent that.But our new system has not been tested yet, so, we still don't know if it works correctly. Besides, some bugs are still present and need to get fixed. We don't make any promises regarding doing that update by Halloween.


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