About This Game Build freight trains and follow passengers on scenic journeys, all through a range of real-world inspired locations from the south island of New Zealand.Choose between driving trains through the world of this pre-built table top model railway or combine your own pieces of track and scenery to build your own railway!The entire railway fits within one large workroom, with tons of surrounding free bench space for you to experiment with your own custom creations.Features:Play on both PC (without VR) and in VR (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality)Build and share your custom layouts on the Steam workshopShare and download custom train paint-schemes on the Steam workshopOperate model railways in human-scaleExplore anywhere on foot in miniature scaleDrive trains in large scale with hand-held controllers Drive trains in miniature from within the cabDrive multiple trains at once by using multiple controllers Push wagons along the tracks with your hands in VRPickup and throw wagons as physics objectsPlace your own custom track and build your own layoutsFreely place scenery and buildings for your custom layouts Backup or share your custom track saves in plain textSandbox style world, where custom tracks and scenery can be built anywhereUse model railway style switch-boards to direct your trains Dynamic day/night cycle Dynamic weather Play in VR or on PCRolling Line has been built from the beginning to be both a PC game (first person style) and a VR game.You can play with a keyboard a mouse just like any PC game or train sim, but if you have a VR headset (Oculus, Vive and WMR) connected then it will automatically launch in VR. Just like a model railwayThis railway is designed to look, feel and operate like a real hobbyists model railroad, with stylized switch boards to control the tracks, portable hand-held controllers to drive trains, and complete control over the rooms lighting.Freely push wagons around on the rails with your hands to build up trains as long as you could possibly want, and take control of any number of different locomotives (using multiple controllers).Build your own tracks and sceneryPlace pieces of track and scenery to build your own huge (or tiny) railways! Almost every tree and building from the pre-made layout can also be used in your own creations.Paint different colors and styles onto terrain, trees and tracks and place chunks of terrain to build hills and path ways.You can build your custom layouts entirely by hand in VR, or play on PC to make use of PC-only map making shortcuts.You can share your layouts on the Steam workshop and easily download other peoples layouts.All layouts you make can be easily backed up and shared in plain text, which means you can copy-paste an entire save game between friends! Explore in human scale or miniatureSwitch between human-sized room scale and railway-sized miniature scale at any time, any where. You are not limited to only driving trains in miniature, but can fully explore the entire railway at the scale of a person. Drive trains from right inside the cab in miniature, and view the world from the driver's perspective!While in miniature scale you will experience dynamic time, weather and unique terrain and skyboxes that extend beyond the shape of the railway,Choices of locomotionChoose between a range of locomotion options, including standard teleporting, grabbing the world around you to move yourself around, free directional movement with the trackpad and any other locomotion options suggested by the community that can be added!Other options like manual rotation (if you cannot use room scale) and setting your player height help support a range of VR setups.Rolling line offers an immersive experience of both controlling a model railroad and driving trains from within the world itself. Whether you enjoy the diverse scenery of New Zealand, the joy of controlling model trains, the experience of a scenic railway journey or the freedom of building your own tracks and creations, then Rolling Line can deliver. a09c17d780 Title: Rolling LineGenre: Casual, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:Gaugepunk GamesPublisher:Gaugepunk GamesRelease Date: 27 Apr, 2018 Rolling Line Free Download Key Serial Number rolling linear regression. rolling eyes line art. rolling loud bay area 2018 lineup. rolling line up 2018. rolling stones no filter line up. rolling sky free online. rolling loud aus lineup. rolling line demo. rolling line pc. rolling line vr game. rolling line steam train. rolling stone weekender line up 2017. rolling line layouts. rolling line game. rolling loud festival lineup. rolling loud 2017 lineup. rolling stones lineup 1969. rolling florida georgia line. revolving line of credit wells fargo. rolling home line dance. rolling loud day 1 lineup. rolling loud lineup 2019. rolling line ps4. rolling loud lineup 2018. oh rolling home line dance. rolling loud lineup 2016. rolling loud lineup 2019. rolling hills attendance line. rolling line controls. rolling line mod trains. rolling loud bay lineup. rolling line controls. rolling line challenger. rolling line kft. rolling line how to edit terrain. rolling line graph excel. rolling line thomas. rolling line how to edit terrain Finally a game that runs on a potato VR or not. This means you don't have to spend over $2k on a train set I also like the art style.. My friend loves to watch me play this game in vr and on desktop. would highly recomend. My friend loves to watch me play this game in vr and on desktop. would highly recomend. Finally a game that runs on a potato VR or not. This means you don't have to spend over $2k on a train set I also like the art style. Small delay, from April 6th to April 27th: Sadly I've got some bad (but ultimately good) news.In order for Rolling Line to be as good as it can be, I've decided to spend a few additional weeks on development.This time will mainly be spent on testing and polish!It would be possible to meet the April 6th release, but I hope that an extra few weeks of polish are worth more than meeting this date.When organizing work load for the next few weeks, I found that I would have to compromise on good features in order to meet this deadline.After working on this game full time for over 5 months already it would be a shame to rush the final details.I'm sure you've seen what happens when games come out unfinished...Hopefully these extra few weeks will make all the difference.I'm already working with a couple of people to make sure the Oculus Rift is supported well, and I'll be seeking out Vive and PC testers in the coming weeks!Keep and eye on these announcements if you're interested.Rolling Lines development is going very well! and while it could be released on the 6th, It will be a much more polished and tested game by the 27th.I hope you all understand, and I am truly sorry about this delay.But this new release date will only be for the best!Thank you all so much for your feedback and interest so far, seeing how passionate and enthusiastic people are about Rolling Line only makes me more excited to see you all enjoying it on release!. Custom table improvements - v 1.095: This update adds a ton of improvements, features and bug fixes surrounding custom tables!There's heaps of stuff in this update, so here's the full list:Added a new "wooden" style of table! you can use the painters in the table draw to change the style of tables.There is now a "table snap to grid" option, which makes table segments follow a grid when being placed freely. Added new smaller table pieces.You can now hold Shift (on PC) while using a painter to paint all props in a radius. When used on track it will paint all connected track within a set distance. Added a coffee mug prop.Tables now copy height & scale when snapping onto another table.Collision on tables is now much better.Flickering shadows on PC are now fixed!Fixed bug where the in-train-controller wouldn't show up when switching to miniature.Switchboards are now hidden in the distance.The custom table switchboard is now properly hidden.Fixed issues with the "edit table" toggle not working correctly.table segments have their position saved correctly (the values use to round up/down which would result in slight misalignment).Added a base to the large rock prop mesh.There's lots of interesting stuff coming in the next few updates, along with other features being added to custom tables along the way. Enjoy!. Puzzling World update! new map, new magazine issue and shape-snapping! - v1.124: Today's update is a fun one!It adds brand new map, magazine issue, and an ton of props and features to the game!There's a lot to cover for this update, so here's the quick list:New official map based on Puzzling World (a bizarre attraction from NZ)Magazine issue about this whole updateA new prop snapping systemA whole draw of new props used to make the new map + more painter colorsThe new map can be accessed simply by starting a new game and choosing the "Puzzling World" map instead of the "main layout".You can find the new magazine issue in-game if you would like to see what the real-world inspiration for this update is like, as well as a bunch of other articles.You can also read it on the Gaugepunk Games website[www.gaugepunk.com]The gameplay side of this update is all about shape snapping!. Animated steam wheels, new whistles & signal props - v1.065: As i'm sure many of you will love, both steam engines now have animated wheels & wheel rods! Here's a bunch of little features and fixes in preparation for custom liveries for steam engines:Animated steam engine wheelsBoth steam engines also have new unique whistlesYou can now press Capslock (only on PC) while driving a train to sound the hornScale and height offset are copied when cloning a propAdded a smaller level crossing prop that doesn't have a barrier arm & bellsAdded a range of 'fake' signal props. They look just like the signals on the main layout but don't actually react to trains (this will be coming as its own update in the future)Fixed missing audio on level crossingsFixed broken tunnel mesh on one of the tight turn track pieces Next week I'll be adding custom livery support for both steam engines! (the Big Boy and Marlborough Flyer) and after that ill be starting work on custom table building, which will be quite a big feature, and may take a bit longer than the usual update.Enjoy!. New magazine! Nevada, Arizona and Utah - v1.145: Time for another Issue of Model Rolling Line! This issue features a tour of DeathRowTull's famous Nevada, Arizona and Utah layout.You can find the new magazine issue in-game or you can also read it on the Gaugepunk Games website[www.gaugepunk.com]Along with the new magazine issue, there are a couple of small fixes included in this update:Fixed issue with flexytrack where painted colors & styles were re-set when the track was picked up/places again. Made changes to how points (turnouts) are saved, hopefully this solves problems with points swapping values when saved. Oh, and a modified Big Boy (made to look like a Challenger) was also added, and hidden behind an Easter egg. Ask around and i'm sure you can find out how to access it. Enjoy!(Not long now till the Santa Fe update...). Gap-fill track (flexy track) and more! - v1.061: I'm sure everyone will be very happy about this one!Today's update adds "gap filling" track, which can be used to easily (and smoothly) connect two dead ends of track. Gone are the days of frustratingly trying to line up track.There are also a few other features: "roll" angle on gradient track is gone, so you wont end up with twisted angles on your track (making a helix is now possible) Added an "undo" button on the save menu, that will undo the last 'delete', 'save over' or 'quicksave' you did. Added a "recover last session" button to the save menu, that will load the last map you left (either from quitting the game, going to the main menu, or loading a save by accident). Added an option for "smooth" scaling when placing props, this makes scaling with the scroll wheel much more precise, and also allows for smooth scaling when using PageUp & PageDown. Turn this off for the original "snap" style, which has its own benefits Fixed collision on the large rock props Fixed issue with picking up and placing tunnel-painted track Fixed trains decoupling on lag spikes (hopefully) Enjoy!And have fun building tracks without the stress of misaligned track
Rolling Line Free Download Key Serial Number
Updated: Mar 27, 2020